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Sustainability & Social Responsibility

We take responsibility and create lasting values.

Commissioning photovoltaic system at our logistics center

We regard it as our duty to assume responsibility for our entrepreneurial actions. We are convinced that economic success and social responsibility belong together. On 01.01.2015, our photovoltaic system was put into operation at our logistics centre on Dratelnstraße.

Hanse-Service Internationale Fachspedition GmbH concentrates on the following fields of action:


Environmentally friendly and sustainable logistics:

We make our contribution to an environmentally friendly and sustainable production method. Since 2015, we have been setting new standards with our photovoltaic logistics centre.

Life forest in Samboja Lestari:

We support the nature conservation project Samboja on Borneo and make our contribution to the long-term preservation of a unique habitat for orangutans, Malaysian bears and numerous other animal and plant species.

Social Commitment:

The animals also deserve our support!
Our management is personally involved as a regular supporting member of the „Bund gegen Missbrauch der Tiere e.V.“. (BMT)“.

Hamburg Beacon
Unternehmen Menschlichkeit is a non-profit organisation and operates a hospice for seriously ill and dying people in Hamburg. We are happy to support this humane institution by regularly buying the little Christmas bears for us and our customers.

Employee commitment:

A high level of employee commitment and a strong sense of solidarity are the guarantees for the success of Hanse-Service. The employee structure is characterised by constancy. The Hanse Service family of companies traditionally places great value on cooperation. We also attach great importance to the training of junior staff.